SHEEN STEIN PRIVATE LIMITED established in 2020. The Founder of Sheen stein private limited is SHEEN S. Our goal is to become a successful company fundamentally and truly believed that by investing in education they are contributing, albeit in a small way, towards making this world a much better place. Every student holds within them a great potential to be exploited. At SHEEN STEIN we try to give them the education they deserve by giving them a safe environment to study and learn. Main purpose of SHEEN STEIN is to educate individuals within society, to prepare and qualify them for work in economy as well as to integrate people into society and teach them values and morals of society. Our roles mainly involves in socializing individuals and to keep society smoothing.

To impart academic excellence in Medical Education. To practice medicine ethically in line with the global standard protocols. To inculcate high moral, ethical and professional standards among students and to improve their overall personality as well as inculcate compassionate behavior.
To ensure accessible and affordable quality healthcare by compassionate medical professionals to all. To be the center of excellence for medical research and academics. To cultivate an environment of trust, honesty, mutual respect, equality, and ethics.

To educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement, to enable them to reach and expand their potential, and to prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society.
To promote learning by engaging with students in advancing scholarly inquiry, cultivating critical and creative thought, and generating knowledge. Our active partnerships with local and global communities contribute to a sustainable common good.
Our university aspires to be a national leader in developing educated contributors, career-ready learners, and global citizens, and in generating meaningful, high-impact scholarship.
We are committed to recognizing the importance of communication and to encouraging dialogue among all constituencies; to promoting intellectual and social growth and development within the community; to providing a safe, supportive setting so that students have the opportunity to explore and to clarify their own beliefs and values, to take risks, and to think and speak for themselves; and to recognizing and responding to individual and institutional prejudices, both overt and subtle, based on gender, race, religion, ethnicity,socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability.

Dear Applicants,
Our uniqueness lies in our vision of the whole man. Hence the strategy of education through SHEEN STEIN includes practical application at all levels aimed at making not only making successful doctors but also to impart values that will ensure a successful future. I trust in God with all my heart that our company will ensure a bright future for our children.
SHEEN STEIN EDUTECH works along with the foreign medical college as the partners, Opening a new window for medical admissions in over 70 countries, 400 universities. Everything is now at fingure tip. Getting a medical Admission is too easy through sheen stein. Medical Admission in Top - ranked WHO, NMC, MCI recognized Government and Private Universities